About the Author

Charlie Euchner

Charles Euchner, the author of Losing the Peace, is the author of books on civil rights, baseball, urban policy, the politics of sports stadiums, political and social movements, and writing.

Euchner (pronounced IKE-ner) teaches writing at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation. He previously taught writing at Yale University and political science at the College of the Holy Cross.

Educated at Vanderbilt University (B.A.) and the Johns Hopkins University (M.A., Ph.D.), Euchner was the founding executive director of the Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston at Harvard University. He has also been a case writer and editor at the Yale School of Management and the director of a comprehensive grassroots planning initiative for the City of Boston.

Euchner is the principal for The Elements of Writing, the only brain-based system for mastering writing in all fields. Euchner delivers one- and two-day seminars for authors, business professionals, educators, and professional organizations.

Euchner has spoken to a wide range of audiences on the issues of civil rights, urban policy and planning, the presidency, and writing.

For more information on his books, go here. For articles on various topics, go here.

Euchner is represented by John Silbersack of The Bent Agency. Reach him at john@thebentagency.com.